Q&A with Olivia of Breakfast Babes
Olivia Owens: Chief Breakfast Babe
How did Breakfast Babes arrive on the scene, where did the idea come from?
It’s so random, back when I was yachting the gals I worked with and I got really into making our breakfasts really healthy, but delicious and cute, so we started an account. It was originally my old make up artistry account
, I literally just deleted all the pictures, changed the name and started posting pictures of food. From there, I left the boat and Breakfast babes became like a food travel diary. I deleted some of the old pics which I regret now as they were super cute.
You are a force of nature; how do you take time out?
Going for a walk outside or going to the gym is my time, I have to move my body, every day. My gym has a big yoga facility so I bounce between yoga or even just a good old bike and a stretch. I also love the online Pilates platform I use. Barre Anywhere, it’s a Dunedin girl and she’s so incredibly good. Huge range and time frames. Great if you’ve just had a baby and don’t know where to start.
Having time before my kids wake up and after is really important too. A little bit if journaling, and meditation and you’re really winning. It’s a chance to breathe and be.
What’s your current preferred self-care treat?
If I was rich and had endless money, a good deep tissue massage everyday and a facial, how can you go past those. Generally just relaxing, being looked after and not having to talk to anyone. I’m laughing as it sounds harsh but it’s what we all want.
Did your self-care rituals change when you were pregnant?
Yes, I definitely got deeper into journaling and meditation I don’t mean sitting in silence for hours on end, it could be focusing on my breathing for ten minutes with my eyes closed, Or popping on a guided meditation sitting comfortably and letting them guide me through. Journaling is like a little therapy session with myself, half the time I close the book and never read it again.
Gratitude and affirmation is important and something I focus on a lot more at that time. It’s taking focus to the next step as when you’re in the motions of labour, you need focus, it all comes together. You’re also setting up your wellness toolbox for postpartum.
You need rest, fuck the body bounce back, your mental state is the most important thing.
Being a mum can be tough. Do you have parenting pearls of wisdom you can share?
Fuck gentle parenting, it literally ripped me apart for the whole 2-3 years of Luca’s life. A friend of mine does so well with it and I tried to be her basically and it was terrible, I was so ashamed I couldn’t keep my cool.
I try and be calm and when I’m not I take a look at me, it’s never the kids it’s me, what is going on for me and why couldn’t I handle that.
You can always make up and say sorry and I feel like that’s so important. Show your kids you make mistakes and that you’re sorry, I think there’s a lot of power in that. I cared so much about everything with my Luca (first babe) and all I should have been doing was worrying about me and how I was. Rest as much as you can and get out for fresh air every day. If you’re feeling stuck or sad as hard as it is please speak up. Mothers helpers is an incredible organisation that helped me get over postpartum depression. I did therapy and all of that, but it just didn’t click for me I felt worse. You need people on your level who get it. Mothers groups are an absolute must. Sign up to a space group or a breastfeeding group, what ever is on offer. It’s something I didn’t do with Luca and I think it would have been a very different journey if I had. I was very alone.
I really feel finding your tribe is so incredibly important, you need people you can be real with, no matter how bad or vulnerable it makes you feel. Nine times out of ten they’ve all done it or had the thought or done the thing.
What’s the funniest thing your kids have done this week?
Coco is hilarious and says to me, “talk mum, talk “ when I’m just saying mmmhmmm and yup. She’s like um that’s not good enough get the words out.
Luca this week was trying to tell my Coco has said F**k just so he could say it, but really she just said fart
What’s next for you?
Such a good question, my goal is to grow my little business and get things really running well and efficiently.
I’d love to complete a Pilates course or finish my te reo Māori, but there’s only so many hours in a day.
Personally I want to focus on me, my personal wellness fell off the wagon last year, as it does, but this year I really want to get disciplined on looking after me. Pulling my wellness tool kit out regularly.